This article provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to merge or combine multiple files or documents.
When submitting your manuscript for design, it is important that you submit your manuscript in one continuous document with everything that you would like to appear inside the book. If you have multiple files that you are planning to submit, please make sure to merge them prior to submission. Please follow the steps below on how to combine or merge multiple files:
1. Make a list of all the files (using their file names or you can number the files starting from 1 and so on) that you want to merge, in the order that you want to combine them.
2. Open the first file that you want to appear in your manuscript.
3. Save this file to a new file name (you can use MERGED FILE/MERGED MANUSCRIPT).
4. With this file open, go to the very end of the document (or you can press the CTRL + END keys).
5. Next, you add a Page Break by either pressing the CTRL + ENTER keys or click on INSERT and choose PAGE BREAK on the top left menu of the document. This will create a new page where you will add the next file.
6. Make sure to place your cursor on the new page and then click on the INSERT tab, select the OBJECT drop down menu and choose the TEXT FROM FILE option.
Note: Documents will be merged in the order in which they appear in the file list. To use a different order, select and insert each file individually in the desired order.
8. Double check your final merged document to make sure the formatting still appears the way you had intended, as text may shift during the merging process.